Embibo Foundation
The Foundation‘s goals include empowering the less privileged women and youth (rural household-based women and youth)
Our Vision
An equitable society where women are free from poverty and injustice
To improve the livelihoods of the less privileged rural women, youth in refugee and host communities in the Rwenzori Region through entrepreneurship skilling and provision of seed capital, for enhanced and sustainable incomes.
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Who We

Embibo Foundation was founded by Kabibi Florence in 2017 as an Initiative to help rural household women and youth who were part of her Family Prayer Fellowship Cell to address widespread poverty. Support to Cell members included the provision of small seed grants to enable them start self-help projects. The issuance of the grants was premised on a biblical principal of the Mustard Seed, with the belief that the small grants given to the rural women and youth would germinates and gradually produce big yields



Youth & Women Cohort

Youth & Women Cohort

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About us

We Empower Less Privileged Women and Youth

The target groups for EMBIBO FOUNDATION comprises of rural households particularly women, out of school living parents as well as young girls who become victims of early marriage and unwanted pregnancies. The Foundation‘s goals include empowering the less privileged women and youth (rural householdbased women and youth) with specific business enterprise skills that enable them to learn and earn and giving them enabling seed capital for reduction of household poverty

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August 24, 2021

Take Your Online Donation to the Next Level!

Flyingfish Kafue pike cow shark California smoothtongue golden loach temperate ocean-bass gulper

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August 24, 2021

Providing Clean Water on the Blue Planet

Flyingfish Kafue pike cow shark California smoothtongue golden loach temperate ocean-bass gulper

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August 24, 2021

Little Help That Goes a Long Way

Flyingfish Kafue pike cow shark California smoothtongue golden loach temperate ocean-bass gulper

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Our activities in pictures

We believe every woman or youth deserves an opportunity

Change lives with a seed

Giving a donation to Embibo Foundation can help us to reach more women and youth transform their lives for the better. Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.